The average house price on DAISY CLOSE is £446,435
The most expensive house in the street is 2 DAISY CLOSE with an estimated value of £560,595
The cheapest house in the street is 1 DAISY CLOSE with an estimated value of £290,349
The house which was most recently sold was 1 DAISY CLOSE, this sold on 22 Mar 2023 for £285,500
The postcode for DAISY CLOSE is TS26 0FF
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 DAISY CLOSE Detached , 127 m2 £290,349 £285,500 22 Mar 2023
2 DAISY CLOSE Detached , 219 m2 £560,595 £335,000 26 Jul 2013
3 DAISY CLOSE Detached , 184 m2 £502,026 £300,000 26 Jul 2013
4 DAISY CLOSE Detached , 219 m2 £466,798 £395,000 23 Oct 2020
5 DAISY CLOSE Detached , 184 m2 £502,017 £299,995 19 Jul 2013
6 DAISY CLOSE Detached , 184 m2 £394,315 £320,000 23 May 2020
7 DAISY CLOSE Detached , 149 m2 £408,950 £240,000 3 Dec 2012